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27 November 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Monthly Dance Party (in-person and online)

November 30 • Belmont, MA & online • 8pm ET

Come prepared to dance away family holiday overindulgences at the post-Thanksgiving Monthly Dance Party. This year, we will be dancing to the energetic music of The Pixton Poirier Band, plus Brian Wilson & Rose Powell.

For those who cannot attend in person, the dance will also be streamed online; use this link to join the virtual party via Zoom. There is no charge for online attendance, but any donations are very gratefully accepted. Make your donation here.

This party will be a pre-programmed event with a full slate of favorites, old and new. Contributions to the refreshments table are always welcome. Please join us for an evening of wonderful music, dance, and community!


50th Anniversary Membership Drive 

Something special is coming soon . . .

It is with great excitement that we announce that our 50th anniversary membership and donor appeal will be coming to you very soon. You can help FACONE get a good start on its next 50 years through your support.

Please look for our appeal letter in your mailboxes, and online, in December and keep our community singing, playing, and dancing!

— Barbara Merson

Member, FAC Board of Directors

From the Executive Director

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day – when turkeys gobble and so do we,

Efforts epicurean at tables laden as can be.

Potatoes sweet or mashed, pies pumpkin and pecan

Green beans, stuffing, squash, gravy, and so on.

The cornucopia of food is delightful to be sure

And there is something more, with even more allure.

We all have friends and family, some close, some far away.

Many have left this world, but in our hearts and minds do stay.

On this day of giving thanks, our gratitude stays near

For the dancing and the music we enjoy throughout the year.

So gobble all you want, for we have a caloric out

A few allegro dances will take care of it, no doubt! 


Special Event

Tuesday, December 31:  New Year's Eve Dance Party with the Pinewoods Band (Belmont, MA & online)

Dance & Music Series

Saturday, November 30: Monthly Dance Party - Pixton Poirier Band with Rose Powell & Brian Wilson (Belmont, MA and online)

Thursday, December 5: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Friday, December 13: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, December 19: Thursday Night Folk Dancing - All Girl Band (Arlington, MA)

Friday, December 27: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, December 29: Mostly Waltz for Boston - Holiday Party (Concord, MA)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Katy Bishop: Updates editor, FAC Office Manager

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Lynne Janbergs: 50th anniversary committee, Updates proofreader

Barbara Merson: Board Member

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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20 November 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events Coming Up

Thursday Night Folk Dancing

November 21 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Please join us at our second Thursday Night Folk Dancing for November. Paula Rosenstock will be our programmer this week, and Jeanne Clifford will be one of our featured teachers.  Jeanne will review Dafino, a dance introduced by Kotse (the featured teacher at Oktoberfest).

Our guest teacher will be Tom Roby, who will be teaching two exciting dances: Kucano from Macedonia, and Kulsko Horo, a Bulgarian dance taught by Yves Moreau. We're looking forward to seeing you!

Our full dancing schedule is on the FAC website; put the dates in your calendar and come join us! 


Remember, on December 19 we will have live music with the All Girl Band!

--Sue Rose

Mostly Waltz for Boston

November 24 • Concord, MA • 8pm

We hope you can join us on Sunday afternoon for more waltzing and couple dancing at the Scout House, featuring the driving music of Eric Eid-Reiner and Ron Grosslein of Moving Violations.

Tom Roby and Diane Gonzales will teach some Open Waltz Variations for the pre-dance lesson from 2 - 3pm, i.e. moves in an open position that don't require a lot of spinning. We hope to see you there! 

A variety of waltz tunes and tempos will be played; every third number is a different couple dance, such as a polka, hambo, schottis, swing, tango, one-step, or zwiefacher.  

Next dance will be the December 29th Holiday Party!

--Diane Gonzales

Monthly Dance Party

November 30 • Belmont, MA • 8pm

with music by the Pixton Poirier Band

The post-Thanksgiving FAC Monthly Dance Party is always a particularly festive event! This year, we will dance to the fabulous music of the Pixton-Poirier Band, with Tom Pixton, Barbara Pixton, Julia Poirier, Brian Wilson, and Rose Powell. This will be a pre-programmed party, including old and new favorites. Join us for an evening of wonderful music, dance, and community!

The dance will also be streamed online at no charge, but donations are gratefully accepted. The link will be on the event page. Contributions to the refreshments table are always welcome.

--Janet Yeracaris


Dance & Music Series

Thursday, November 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 24: Mostly Waltz for Boston - Eric Eid-Reiner & Ron Grosslein (Concord, MA)

Saturday, November 30: Monthly Dance Party - Pixton Poirier Band and Brian Wilson (Belmont, MA and online)

Thursday, December 5: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Friday, December 13: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Diane Gonzales: Mostly Waltz coordinator

Lynne Janbergs: 50th anniversary committee, Updates proofreader

Sue Rose: Thursday coordinator

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

Janet Yeracaris: Saturday dance coordinator

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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14 November 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Friday Night Folk Dancing

November 15 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Another Friday night dance is imminent! Last week I taught a village dance that we learned on the Bulgaria tour, and I am looking forward to enjoying it again with everyone! Karakachansko horo, from the Thrace folk region, is unique in many ways — you can find out how if you join the fun on Friday night!


Reflections on the Autumn Bulgarian Tour

For two glorious weeks in October, 32 people from across the US, as well as Canada, and New Zealand, toured southeast Bulgaria together under the remarkable leadership of Iliana Bozhanova. We began in Sofia as affable strangers, and ended back there, two weeks later as fast, lifelong friends. Three tour participants have written about their experiences; we are delighted to share their stories with you!


Appreciation from Down Under

What an extraordinary trip we’ve had in Bulgaria. Thanks to Iliana and Todor’s deep connections to the folk arts community of Bulgaria we were spoilt with dance performances and able to interact with locals many times. For me this contact with local people was the primary highlight of the tour. It’s the thing that is so hard to achieve as an independent tourist. 

Iliana’s wonderful planning ensured we also saw different parts of the country, learnt about the 8000 years of civilisation in Bulgaria, learnt of their nationalistic pride as a free country at last, and tasted a wide range of local foods. All of which was additional to learning dances and songs taught tirelessly by Iliana and accompanied by Todor’s stunning voice and accordion playing. 

Thank you Iliana, Todor and Marcie.


-- Naomi Tocher

Wellington, New Zealand

Appreciation from Closer to Home

I recently came back from the Autumn in Bulgaria Tour, and am still feeling aglow from the experience.  I must wholeheartedly thank Marcie, Iliana, and Todor for organizing the tour and guiding us along through this memorable journey in Bulgaria.  I’m still seeing the beautiful mountains, the old towns and the wonderful performances.  I was so impressed by the warmth of the people we met along the way, and the warm camaraderie within our tour group.  Although I enjoyed the entire tour, the highlight for me was the music and dance portion.  What a pleasure to have dance lessons with Iliana accompanied by Todor’s beautiful music.  It was wonderful to be able to see a number of groups perform – with each performance very special in its own way.

All in all, it was a terrific tour and I am so glad that I was able to go.

-- Glori Collver-Jacobson

Plympton, Massachusetts

Voivodinovo Village

I always enjoy autumn - don’t we all? But in October 2024 my husband David and I joined “Autumn in Bulgaria” tour for two fabulous weeks. I knew this would be a special time where I’d experience Bulgarian culture from the inside-out. What I didn’t know was how heartwarming and fabulous our trip would be. We realized a lifelong dream of dancing aside local dancers, reveling in seeing authentic Bulgarian dance performances and rituals, and learning beautiful Bulgarian dances and songs. Our trip included fantastic food, sightseeing lovely towns and countryside, touring interesting museums and churches, and much more. 

This was a music-and-dance-based tour of several regions in Bulgaria led by Iliana Bozhanova, Todor Yankov, and Marcie Van Cleave. Iliana is an esteemed choreographer and international dance instructor. Todor Yankov is an accomplished singer and accordionist. Together they lead “Ensemble Voivodinitsi” in Voivodinovo (near Plovdiv), where Iliana is Artistic Director and Choreographer and Todor is Music Director. Marcie is Executive Director of Folk Arts Center of New England. 

A huge highlight of “Autumn in Bulgaria” was a performance in Voivodinovo village. We were greeted by two smiling girls in white dresses, red embroidered aprons, and flowers in their hair. One held a round puffy loaf of bread, the other a plate of salty spice. They were enacting the ritual greeting of guests by offering each of us a piece of bread to dip on the plate of spices. As we ate the bread, colorfully-costumed dancers and singers came out to welcome us to their village and to the show. We felt a kinship with them since their leaders were the same as ours - Iliana and Todor. 

A few of us started talking to three teen girls in red and gold-checked aprons edged in red and gold lace. They wore white blouses under black jackets trimmed with cord, and red kerchiefs on their heads. “Iliana’s mother made the lace on our aprons, and this lace on our blouses!”one girl proudly said. We’d heard about Iliana’s mother making lace for the costumes. It was intricate and beautiful, and might have taken her many hundreds of hours of work for all those costumes. I didn’t expect to see the lace close-up, or to hear the teens’ gratefulness and pride about it. It was as if the group was one big happy Bulgarian family led by Iliana and Todor. The girls had good English and were easy to talk to, like most young Bulgarians. 

The show started. Those bright costumes—the beauty of the dance and music—the athletic, smiling teen-age boys and girls, young and older adults—scores of little kids frolicking, then holding hands in a line to dance! The hours they must have spent practicing their formations and steps—the joy they showed—and the wonder I felt watching them. Group after group of dancers and singers came on stage. I was enchanted, mesmerized. Twenty years of Iliana and Todor’s work in Voivodinovo village made this exciting, beautiful performance. 

Later, I turned to see a beaming Iliana scooping up a cute four-year-old girl who’d sat nearby on her mother’s lap. Ah, she was Iliana’s granddaughter! More family, maybe a future dancer or singer? I hoped so, but it didn’t matter. There were already plenty of dancing, singing boys and girls in Voivodinovo village to carry on their traditions. 

The next night we came back to the cultural center for a feast of traditional Bulgarian food, home-made by families of the Voivodinovo dance group. Long tables were laden with salads, breads, meats, vegetables, stews, banitsa, baklava, and every Bulgarian food imaginable. Two of us with special diets were led to the tables ahead of the others, so we could be shown which foods we’d be able to eat. Even the scrumptious banitsa was made with ingredients especially for us. And the baklava! The freshest and best I’ve ever eaten. 

But wait, there was more! Music started up, and we joined hands in traditional Bulgarian line dance with the Voivodinovo “recreational” dancers. Some of the older dancers didn’t know many English words, and most of us didn’t speak much Bulgarian, but we danced together for a couple hours…no words needed. I laughed and joked with middle-aged women who pointed out their daughters dancing at the beginning of the line. 

Tour leader Marcie called some New England-style dances, and she got us laughing from the start of the teaching until the end of crashing into each other. The contrast between Bulgarian and American dances made the evening varied and just plain fun. 

Eventually, the magical evening ended. Late that night I lay awake for a long time, glowing with the excitement and happiness of those two beautiful nights in Voivodinovo Village.

--Nancy Piette

Grass Valley, California


Dance & Music Series

Friday, November 15: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, November 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 24: Mostly Waltz for Boston - Eric Eid-Reiner & Ron Grosslein (Concord, MA)

Saturday, November 30: Monthly Dance Party - Pixton Poirier Band and Brian Wilson (Belmont, MA and online)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Glori Collver-Jacobson: Bulgaria Tour participant

Lynne Janbergs: 50th Anniversary Committee member, Updates proofreader

Nancy Piette: Bulgaria Tour participant

Naomi Tocher: Bulgaria Tour participant

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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14 November 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Friday Night Folk Dancing

November 14 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Another Friday night dance is imminent! Last week I taught a village dance that we learned on the Bulgaria tour, and I am looking forward to enjoying it again with everyone! Karakachansko horo, from the Thrace folk region, is unique in many ways — you can find out how if you join the fun on Friday night!


Reflections on the Autumn Bulgarian Tour

For two glorious weeks in October, 32 people from across the US, as well as Canada, and New Zealand, toured southeast Bulgaria together under the remarkable leadership of Iliana Bozhanova. We began in Sofia as affable strangers, and ended back there, two weeks later as fast, lifelong friends. Three tour participants have written about their experiences; we are delighted to share their stories with you!


Appreciation from Down Under

What an extraordinary trip we’ve had in Bulgaria. Thanks to Iliana and Todor’s deep connections to the folk arts community of Bulgaria we were spoilt with dance performances and able to interact with locals many times. For me this contact with local people was the primary highlight of the tour. It’s the thing that is so hard to achieve as an independent tourist. 

Iliana’s wonderful planning ensured we also saw different parts of the country, learnt about the 8000 years of civilisation in Bulgaria, learnt of their nationalistic pride as a free country at last, and tasted a wide range of local foods. All of which was additional to learning dances and songs taught tirelessly by Iliana and accompanied by Todor’s stunning voice and accordion playing. 

Thank you Iliana, Todor and Marcie.


-- Naomi Tocher

Wellington, New Zealand

Appreciation from Closer to Home

I recently came back from the Autumn in Bulgaria Tour, and am still feeling aglow from the experience.  I must wholeheartedly thank Marcie, Iliana, and Todor for organizing the tour and guiding us along through this memorable journey in Bulgaria.  I’m still seeing the beautiful mountains, the old towns and the wonderful performances.  I was so impressed by the warmth of the people we met along the way, and the warm camaraderie within our tour group.  Although I enjoyed the entire tour, the highlight for me was the music and dance portion.  What a pleasure to have dance lessons with Iliana accompanied by Todor’s beautiful music.  It was wonderful to be able to see a number of groups perform – with each performance very special in its own way.

All in all, it was a terrific tour and I am so glad that I was able to go.

-- Glori Collver-Jacobson

Plympton, Massachusetts

Voivodinovo Village

I always enjoy autumn - don’t we all? But in October 2024 my husband David and I joined “Autumn in Bulgaria” tour for two fabulous weeks. I knew this would be a special time where I’d experience Bulgarian culture from the inside-out. What I didn’t know was how heartwarming and fabulous our trip would be. We realized a lifelong dream of dancing aside local dancers, reveling in seeing authentic Bulgarian dance performances and rituals, and learning beautiful Bulgarian dances and songs. Our trip included fantastic food, sightseeing lovely towns and countryside, touring interesting museums and churches, and much more. 

This was a music-and-dance-based tour of several regions in Bulgaria led by Iliana Bozhanova, Todor Yankov, and Marcie Van Cleave. Iliana is an esteemed choreographer and international dance instructor. Todor Yankov is an accomplished singer and accordionist. Together they lead “Ensemble Voivodinitsi” in Voivodinovo (near Plovdiv), where Iliana is Artistic Director and Choreographer and Todor is Music Director. Marcie is Executive Director of Folk Arts Center of New England. 

A huge highlight of “Autumn in Bulgaria” was a performance in Voivodinovo village. We were greeted by two smiling girls in white dresses, red embroidered aprons, and flowers in their hair. One held a round puffy loaf of bread, the other a plate of salty spice. They were enacting the ritual greeting of guests by offering each of us a piece of bread to dip on the plate of spices. As we ate the bread, colorfully-costumed dancers and singers came out to welcome us to their village and to the show. We felt a kinship with them since their leaders were the same as ours - Iliana and Todor. 

A few of us started talking to three teen girls in red and gold-checked aprons edged in red and gold lace. They wore white blouses under black jackets trimmed with cord, and red kerchiefs on their heads. “Iliana’s mother made the lace on our aprons, and this lace on our blouses!”one girl proudly said. We’d heard about Iliana’s mother making lace for the costumes. It was intricate and beautiful, and might have taken her many hundreds of hours of work for all those costumes. I didn’t expect to see the lace close-up, or to hear the teens’ gratefulness and pride about it. It was as if the group was one big happy Bulgarian family led by Iliana and Todor. The girls had good English and were easy to talk to, like most young Bulgarians. 

The show started. Those bright costumes—the beauty of the dance and music—the athletic, smiling teen-age boys and girls, young and older adults—scores of little kids frolicking, then holding hands in a line to dance! The hours they must have spent practicing their formations and steps—the joy they showed—and the wonder I felt watching them. Group after group of dancers and singers came on stage. I was enchanted, mesmerized. Twenty years of Iliana and Todor’s work in Voivodinovo village made this exciting, beautiful performance. 

Later, I turned to see a beaming Iliana scooping up a cute four-year-old girl who’d sat nearby on her mother’s lap. Ah, she was Iliana’s granddaughter! More family, maybe a future dancer or singer? I hoped so, but it didn’t matter. There were already plenty of dancing, singing boys and girls in Voivodinovo village to carry on their traditions. 

The next night we came back to the cultural center for a feast of traditional Bulgarian food, home-made by families of the Voivodinovo dance group. Long tables were laden with salads, breads, meats, vegetables, stews, banitsa, baklava, and every Bulgarian food imaginable. Two of us with special diets were led to the tables ahead of the others, so we could be shown which foods we’d be able to eat. Even the scrumptious banitsa was made with ingredients especially for us. And the baklava! The freshest and best I’ve ever eaten. 

But wait, there was more! Music started up, and we joined hands in traditional Bulgarian line dance with the Voivodinovo “recreational” dancers. Some of the older dancers didn’t know many English words, and most of us didn’t speak much Bulgarian, but we danced together for a couple hours…no words needed. I laughed and joked with middle-aged women who pointed out their daughters dancing at the beginning of the line. 

Tour leader Marcie called some New England-style dances, and she got us laughing from the start of the teaching until the end of crashing into each other. The contrast between Bulgarian and American dances made the evening varied and just plain fun. 

Eventually, the magical evening ended. Late that night I lay awake for a long time, glowing with the excitement and happiness of those two beautiful nights in Voivodinovo Village.

--Nancy Piette

Grass Valley, California


Dance & Music Series

Friday, November 14: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, November 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 24: Mostly Waltz for Boston - Eric Eid-Reiner & Ron Grosslein (Concord, MA)

Saturday, November 30: Monthly Dance Party - Pixton Poirier Band and Brian Wilson (Belmont, MA and online)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Glori Collver-Jacobson: Bulgaria Tour participant

Lynne Janbergs: 50th Anniversary Committee member, Updates proofreader

Nancy Piette: Bulgaria Tour participant

Naomi Tocher: Bulgaria Tour participant

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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6 November 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Thursday Night Folk Dancing

November 7 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Please join us for a very special night of live music, presented by Tom Pixton and the Pinewoods Band. Tom has curated a spectacular program composed entirely of Yves Moreau dances to remember and honor our beloved dance teacher.

The music and talent will be unparalleled. Come dance with us for a true celebration of life, musical artistry, and dance.  

Food contributions for the refreshment table are appreciated. Due to a variety of circumstances, this dance will not be zoomed.

Thursday Night Folk Dancing has an additional live music event coming up that is not to be missed:

  • December 19: the All Girl Band!

Mark your calendars now!

--Sue Rose

Friday Night Folk Dancing

November 8 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

I’m back from the Folk Arts Center’s tour to Bulgaria with Iliana Bozhanova and Todor Yankov, and ready to hit the ground dancing …. jetlag be damned!

This week I hope to introduce one or two of the dances that Iliana taught and Todor accompanied with his magnificent accordion playing. There also might – just might – be a few stories (defensive explanations?) such as why the police were called when we were setting up a picnic in Sofia (not my fault!!!), and the saga of Ruma and Georgi (did they live happily ever after??).

It feels like I’ve been gone forever, even though it’s only been three weeks. I hope to enjoy your company on Friday!


Melrose Community Dances

November 10 • Melrose, MA • 10:30am

This Sunday is the last of the 2024 Melrose Community Dances series – a sweet gathering of people of all ages in a wonderful, independently owned and operated bookstore. The series was made possible with the space donated by Molly’s Bookstore, as well as grants from the Melrose Cultural Council and the Melrose Messina Fund for the Arts. 

It is a free event and is made even livelier with your contributions of energy and enthusiasm – all of which combine to start your Sunday off on a good foot (pick a foot, any foot!).



Dance & Music Series

Thursday, November 7: Thursday Night Folk Dancing - Pinewoods Band, Yves Moreau Memorial Dance (Arlington, MA)

Friday, November 8: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 10: Melrose Community Dances (Melrose, MA)

Friday, November 15: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, November 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 24: Mostly Waltz for Boston - Eric Eid-Reiner & Ron Grosslein (Concord, MA)

Saturday, November 30: Monthly Dance Party - Pixton Poirier Band and Brian Wilson (Belmont, MA and online)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Lynne Janbergs: 50th anniversary committee, Updates proofreader

Sue Rose: Thursday coordinator

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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30 October 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Happy Halloween!

Everyone had a great time at the Halloween themed Saturday Monthly Party and Mostly Waltz last weekend! We hope you have a fun Halloween, and enjoy the unseasonably warm fall weather, as we take a break from our dance schedule this week. We will be back on the dance floor on November 7 to work off those trick-or-treating goodies.

(photo credit: Monthly Dance Party, October 26, photo from Phil Mason)


FAC's 50th Anniversary Celebration

We’re nearing the finish line. The kick-off of celebrations for FAC’s 50th Anniversary is just around the corner! 

We will no longer be accepting videos, photos, voice recordings, or written reflections after the end of November. Hurry and share your memories with us! 

  • Please share written reflections here

  • Send photos, videos, and recordings here

Thank you on behalf of the FAC 50th Anniversary Committee!


Dance & Music Series

Thursday, November 7: Thursday Night Folk Dancing - Yves Moreau Memorial Dance with the Pinewoods Band (Arlington, MA)

Friday, November 8: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 10: Melrose Community Dances (Melrose, MA)

Friday, November 15: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, November 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 24: Mostly Waltz for Boston - Eric Eid-Reiner & Ron Grosslein (Concord, MA)

Saturday, November 30: Monthly Dance Party - Pixton Poirier Band & Brian Wilson (Belmont, MA and online)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Lynne Janbergs: 50th anniversary committee, Updates proofreader

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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24 October 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Thursday Night Folk Dancing

October 24 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Please join us at our second Thursday Night Folk Dancing for October. Patrick Yacono will be our programmer and Jeanne Clifford will be our featured teacher. She will review Gorani, an Anatolian dance introduced to us by Tineke Van Geel, as well as T's Partalo, a dance from Joe Graziosi. By popular demand, she will also review Dafino, a dance introduced by Kotse (the recently featured Oktoberfest teacher). We're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Our full dancing schedule is on the website. Come join us! November 7 will be a Yves Moreau Memorial Dance with live music by the Pinewoods Band!

--Sue Rose

Monthly Dance Party

October 26 • Belmont, MA • 8pm

At this weekend’s Monthly Dance Party, we will enjoy the fabulous music of Balkan Fields!

Dean Brown, Melika Fitzhugh, Henry Goldberg, Melinda Hunt, Ralph Iverson, and Melinda Fields (bandleader and accordionist extraordinaire!), will play for our dancing pleasure. This will be a pre-programmed party of mostly Balkan repertoire. Join us for an evening of wonderful music, dance, and community!

Contributions to the refreshments table are always welcome, and feel free to wear a Halloween costume, if you are so moved!

--Janet Yeracaris

Mostly Waltz for Boston

October 27 • Concord, MA • 2pm

We have a great lineup for this Sunday's Mostly Waltz Halloween Party:

  • Larry Unger (guitar), Anna Patton (clarinet) and Sarah Hadley-Yakir (fiddle) will be playing for us. Wahoo!

  • Tom Roby and Diane Gonzales will be teaching some Waltz Twirls and Spins (along with some tips and practice for better waltz turning) at the pre-dance lesson.

Costumes will be much admired (but optional) and goodies are welcome to add to the spread. Come join us! 

--Diane Gonzales

New in the Little Shop of Horas 

The Little Shop of Horas has been a hive of activity following our summer road trips to Pinewoods. We are constantly adding new items; peruse our new Gently Loved CD selections (pictured here) for music from a wide variety of genres including Celtic, Hungarian, Salsa, Greek, Canadian, and so much more!

We are also fully stocked on Yves Moreau's wonderful CDs and DVDs, a wide-ranging selection of music and dance books, and CDs from around the world -- and we are always on the lookout for new treasures to join them. Thank you all for your support of our little shop!



Dance & Music Series

Thursday, October 24: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Saturday, October 26: Monthly Dance Party Balkan Felds (Belmont, MA and online)

Sunday, September 22: Mostly Waltz for Boston with Larry Unger, Anna Patton & Sarah Hadley-Yakir (Concord, MA)

Thursday, November 7: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Friday, November 8: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 10: Melrose Community Dances (Melrose, MA)

Friday, November 15: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, November 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This Week's Contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Diane Gonzales: Mostly Waltz coordinator

Sue Rose: Thursday dance coordinator

Janet Yeracaris: Monthly party coordinator

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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Email from Folk Arts Center of New England

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17 October 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

We have a minor correction to today's Updates: Friday Night Folk Dancing will be held in Arlington at the Park Ave. Church, 50 Paul Revere Road. Thank you to the sharp-eyed reader who noticed the error!


Thursday Night Folk Dancing

October 17 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Please join us for October's first Thursday Night Folk Dancing. Jeanne Clifford will be our programmer and featured teacher. She will review Gorani, an Anatolian dance introduced to us by Tineke Van Geel; T's Partalo, a dance from Joe Graziosi; and Yar Ko Parag, another dance from Tineke. This is a great opportunity to learn an array of fabulous dances. We're looking forward to seeing you!

Upcoming dances with live music:

November 7: the Pinewoods Band (Yves Moreau Memorial Dance)

December 19: All Girl Band

--Sue Rose

Friday Night Folk Dancing

October 18 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Come dance with us again in Arlington on Friday for a night of International folk dancing featuring dance leader and musician extraordinaire Patrick Yacono.

This is a great opportunity to learn some new-to-you dances in a relaxed and welcoming environment!

Marcie will return from her travels in Bulgaria, with marvelous tales to tell and energetic dances to lead, on November 8.



Dance & Music Series

Thursday, October 17: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Friday, October 18: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, October 24: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Saturday, October 26: Monthly Dance Party with Balkan Fields (Belmont, MA and online)

Sunday, October 27: Mostly Waltz with Larry Unger, Anna Patton & Sarah Hadley-Yakir (Concord, MA)

Thursday, November 7: Thursday Night Folk Dancing with the Pinewoods Band (Arlington, MA)

Friday, November 8: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 10:  Melrose Community Dances (Melrose, MA)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Sue Rose: Thursday dance coordinator

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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Email from Folk Arts Center of New England

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17 October 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Thursday Night Folk Dancing

October 17 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Please join us for October's first Thursday Night Folk Dancing. Jeanne Clifford will be our programmer and featured teacher. She will review Gorani, an Anatolian dance introduced to us by Tineke Van Geel; T's Partalo, a dance from Joe Graziosi; and Yar Ko Parag, another dance from Tineke. This is a great opportunity to learn an array of fabulous dances. We're looking forward to seeing you!

Upcoming dances with live music:

November 7: the Pinewoods Band (Yves Moreau Memorial Dance)

December 19: All Girl Band

--Sue Rose

Friday Night Folk Dancing

October 18 • Concord, MA • 8pm

Come dance with us again on Friday for a night of International folk dancing featuring dance leader and musician extraordinaire Patrick Yacono.

This is a great opportunity to learn some new-to-you dances in a relaxed and welcoming environment!

Marcie will return from her travels in Bulgaria, with marvelous tales to tell and energetic dances to lead, on November 8.



Dance & Music Series

Thursday, October 17: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Friday, October 18: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, October 24: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Saturday, October 26: Monthly Dance Party with Balkan Fields (Belmont, MA and online)

Sunday, October 27: Mostly Waltz with Larry Unger, Anna Patton & Sarah Hadley-Yakir (Concord, MA)

Thursday, November 7: Thursday Night Folk Dancing with the Pinewoods Band (Arlington, MA)

Friday, November 8: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, November 10:  Melrose Community Dances (Melrose, MA)

2025 Camps

June 19 - 26: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

October 10 - 13: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Sue Rose: Thursday dance coordinator

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.

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Email from Folk Arts Center of New England

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3 October 2024

Katy Bishop, Editor

Events This Week

Friday Night Folk Dancing

October 4 • Arlington, MA • 8pm

Kick off your weekend while you kick up your heels at the Friday night dance!

Feeling a little tired from a long week? No problem - you'll get an infusion of energy with the dancing, laughter, and community.

The books and the bills can wait - the music and friends are calling!


A Foggy Day in Concord Town

October 5 • Concord, MA • 12:30-5:30pm

George was the personification of the phrase "hail fellow well met" - and quite the character, to boot! I hope you can join us for an afternoon gathering this Saturday, when, through reminiscing and dancing, we will honor him and his legacy to us: the joy of dance. It will be good to gather together in his memory.



October 12-14 • Potash Hill • Marlboro, VT

Last Call to Register!

It is not too late to register for this year's camp ... but don't hesitate too much longer! Vermont's state slogan could not be more apt for our annual getaway during Indigenous People's Day weekend: Freedom and Unity.

And don't forget the foliage! This picture was taken TODAY at Potash Hill - doesn't it make you want to start loading the car and heading north right now?!

We will be posting the schedule on the Oktoberfest webpage by Friday afternoon (October 4). If you cannot make it for the entire time, consider dropping in for a workshop or two -- or perhaps a dance party?

Attendance and Registration Options

  • Register here for the full package of lodging, meals, and activities.

  • To participate in individual workshops and parties - just pay at the door. No need to pre-register!

  • A la carte meals must be ordered in advance! Wednesday, October 9 at noon is the deadline to reserve your space at the lunch or dinner table.


From the Executive Director

How I wish I had written this!

We have an incognito poet this week - someone who is familiar to many, many people in our far-flung community. She forwarded me a superb link for the Merriam-Webster's word of the day calendar, and was moved to verse by last Tuesday's word!

I publish it with permission. Bravo, Kitty! (Ooops. Talk about letting the cat out of the bag!)

October 1st word: chthonic

It inspired the following eruption:

I won’t use a word like chthonic,

Can’t pronounce it without a mnemonic,

And if I get it wrong,

And use a diphthong,

I’ll end up sounding moronic. 


--Kitty Kagay


Special Events

Saturday, October 5: A Foggy Day in Concord Town Remembering George Fogg (Concord, MA)

Dance & Music Series

Friday, October 4: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, October 17: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Friday, October 18: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Thursday, October 24: Thursday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Saturday, October 26: Monthly Dance Party with Balkan Fields (Belmont, MA and online)

Sunday, October 27: Mostly Waltz with Larry Unger, Anna Patton & Sarah Hadley-Yakir (Concord, MA)


October 12 - 14: Oktoberfest Weekend at Potash Hill (Marlboro, VT)

June 19 - 26, 2025: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

August 29 - September 2, 2025: Labor Day Weekend at Pinewoods (Plymouth, MA)

This week's contributors:

Nick Bishop: Tech troubleshooter, Updates proofreader

Lynne Janbergs: GASP Committee member, Updates proofreader

Kitty Kagay: Guest poet

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.