Stock Donations to the Folk Arts Center of New England
Donating appreciated stock to a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization such as the Folk Arts Center has significant tax advantages for the donor.
For appreciated securities held longer than one year, the full fair market value of a stock donation can be deducted; consult a tax advisor for details. FAC’s broker sells the donated stock and remits the proceeds to FAC.
Depository Trust Company (DTC) program
Stock held at a brokerage account can be delivered electronically through the DTC program. When you wish to make a gift of stock to FAC, include the following in the information that you provide to the transferring broker:
FAC’s account name: Folk Arts Center of New England, Inc.
Clearing broker: Fidelity Investments, PO Box 770001, Cincinnati, OH 45277-0002
Clearing broker's DTC number: 0226
Please contact us to obtain the FAC account number.
In addition to working with your broker to complete the physical transfer of stock, the donor or transferring broker must provide FAC with the donor’s name and complete address and the name and number of securities transferred, so that we may send you a gift receipt for audit and acknowledgment purposes.
Please contact us for more information about stock donations.