Tom Pixton

The Pinewoods International Collection


A 354-page music book containing engraved music scores for more than four hundred traditional dance tunes and songs (2004)


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Music book containing engraved music scores for more than four hundred traditional dance tunes and songs from Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Russia, France, England, the Americas, Canada, Israel, and other countries and cultures. The book is offset printed on high quality stock and coil-bound for durability and ease of use. 354 page (2004)

Most of the scores consist of basic melody lines with chords, but more elaborate arrangements are sometimes featured. Most tunes can be played on any instrument. Extensive notes include commentary on the tunes, rhythm, ornamentation, tonality, and improvisation typical of this music.

The Pinewoods International Collection was collected, edited, arranged, designed, typeset, and produced by Tom Pixton.