These films were originally produced in Germany by Hartmut Bartels. They show Pece Atanasovski leading Macedonian dances from his teaching repertoire. These are not instructional videos. They show Pece leading each dance, thus providing a useful reference on style and technique for teachers and dancers. These were filmed during workshops with Pece conducted between 1992 and 1995 in Macedonia, Germany and Belgium. You can also see scenes of Pece playing his gajda as well as playing tapan for the dance Teškoto. This edition is produced by Yves Moreau by special agreement with Hartmut Bartels (Germany).
Postupano oro; Pravo oro: Ovcepolsko oro; Krivo zensko oro; Sitna lisa; Ovcepolska potrculka; Berance; Maskoto oro; Dolgoto oro; Topansko; Staro oro; Potrcano oro; Ibrain Odza; Berovka; Ratevka; Cucuk oro; Dracevka; Zborskoto; Patrunino; Posednica; Toska/Memede; Malesevsko oro; Pece plays Gaida