French-Canadian Songs and Dances for Children, with songs selected and adapted by France Bourque -Moreau
This CD, of marvelous children’s songs, is the companion to the Book by France Bourque-Moreau “Danse, mon coeur danse” which has finally been released in English! Thanks to a grant from the National Folk Organization, France was able to translate her 1999 French language book into English and now they are printed and her collection of French-Canadian rounds, action songs, and simple dances for children are calling to us! You may purchase the book here.
Musical direction: Richard Forest (fiddle), accompanied by Sabin Jacques (accordion), and Mario Loiselle (piano) and more than a dozen guest singers and instrumentalists.
Both the book and the CD include the following:
- La petite boiteuse
- L’omelette au lard
- La vieille Bastringue
- Que sais-tu bien faire
- Valse de l’amitié
- La noce des oiseaux
- Cassons les oeufs
- Les Saluts
- Lundi, jour de lavage
- Marion danse
- Un air trompeur
- La petite souris grise
- La laine des moutons
- La danse des mouchoirs
- Jeu à trois
- Bien travailler