Aaron Alpert

Israeli Dance Workshop (August 2020)

audio download, video download

air date August 8, 2020


SKU: OL-080820-ALPERT Category: Tags: ,


Music and videos from Aaron Alpert’s online Israeli dance workshop

After payment is received, personal links to download the files will be emailed to you. Your order will include:

  • Music for all 4 dances
  • Teaching videos for each dance
  • Dance demonstration videos of each dance (without instruction)

the dances taught and demonstrated include:

  1. DEBKA RAFIACH  (Folk, 1948)
  2. LIBI  (Yuval Tabashi, 2018)
  3. YARAYA o (Gadi Bitton, 2020)
  4. BA’A ELECHEM o (Itzik Ben Dahan, 2005)

Aaron Alpert is an Israeli folk dance specialist who has been dancing his entire life. He began teaching and programming in January 2007 to all levels, beginners to advanced; engaging all ages — children, adults, and seniors; and he always brings high energy and a joy of dancing with him. Learn more about Aaron on his website.