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21 December 2023

Katy Bishop, Editor

Upcoming Events

Thursday Night Folk Dancing

December 21, Arlington, MA

Thursday Night Folk Dancing continues this December's Celebration of Live Music. Please join us for a stellar evening of holiday merriment, presented by the unparalleled talents of the members of the Goats, under the yuletide alias of the GoatCracker!  

The Goat Herd will include: Patrick Yacono, Dean Brown, Julia Poirier, David Skidmore, Dana Sussman, Robert Penny, Ralph Iversen, Brian Wilson, Heather Lee, Niki Yeracaris, and Katie DeWolf.  

All who attend can expect musical excellence, hilarity, and a spectacularly aerobic participatory performance of Nutcracker music (which may be cleverly adapted for our dance purposes)--you need to be there to experience the joy!

The, the revelry starts at 8:00pm. Please join us for a rare and glorious extravaganza!  

-- Sue Rose

Masks are optional but entirely welcome and highly recommended at FAC dance events.

New Year's Eve Dance Party

December 31, Belmont, MA

How is it that some months simply drag by (I'm talking to you, January) and others zip by so quickly it takes your breath away (hey, December - where's the fire???).

So goes this month, and before we know it, New Year's Eve will be upon us. A time for us in the FAC community to gather together, kick up our heels, enjoy a bountiful selection of holiday goodies, and put 2023 in the rear view mirror as we look resolutely and joyously forward to the new year.

The New Year's Eve Dance Party is a beloved tradition, where we are awed by decorations by Henry and His Team, and transported to different parts of the world by the mellifluous music of The Pinewoods Band. All that was needed to make the evening utterly transformational was some time to schmooze - so we have built that into the evening's program!

Now you can feel free to saunter in between 8:30 and 9:00pm without fear of having missed any of your All Time Favorite Dances. You can hang up your coat, change your shoes, and have a lovely conversation or two before the dancing starts in earnest at 9:00pm!

We hope to see you, whether online or in-person, on December 31! In the meantime, may you enjoy the remaining days of the month however you chose to celebrate them!


From the Executive Director

Today's the shortest day, known as the Winter Solstice;

We’ve been missing daylight – that emotional poultice.

But its lack encourages our own light from within,

Even when dark falls early, much to our chagrin.

The light we carry and share wherever we go,

Lifts all boats and helps dispel one’s seasonal woe.

The good news is that, from now and through June,

Every day there’s more sunshine, a definite boon!

Be kind to yourself during every long night,

Let your hopes uplift you, let your smiles be bright.

We’re here for each other, through thick and through thin,

Hope springs eternal, as it comes from within.

I hope during this time, that spontaneity makes you laugh

That all will be forgiven, no matter the gaffe.

That your thoughts begin with an optimistic “next year….”

That your friends will be around to dance with and give cheer.


Special Events

Sunday, December 31: New Year's Eve Dance Party with the Pinewoods Band (Belmont, MA and online)

Dance & Music Series

Thursday, December 21: Thursday Night Folk Dancing with the Goatcracker band (Arlington, MA)

Friday, January 12, 2024: Friday Night Folk Dancing (Arlington, MA)

Sunday, January 21, 2024: Mostly Waltz (Concord, MA)

Sunday, January 21, 2024: Cut a Rug (online)

2024 Camps and Tours

May 1 to 12: Czech Tour to South Bohemia

June 20-27: Pinewoods International Sessions (Plymouth, MA)

October 17-31: Autumn in Bulgaria Cultural Tour with Iliana Bozhanova and Todor Yankov

Updates Contributors:

Anna Alter: FAC Program Manager

Nick Bishop: Updates proofreader

Lynne Janbergs: GASP Committee member, Updates proofreader

Carolyn Ramm: President, FAC Board of Directors

Sue Rose: Thursday Night Folk Dancing coordinator

Marcie Van Cleave: FAC Executive Director

The Folk Arts Center of New England is a nonprofit organization promoting participation in the traditional dance and music of many cultures. FAC sponsors community dances, annual camps, workshops, and other programs in the greater Boston area, elsewhere in New England, and online.

The Folk Arts Center thanks

the Massachusetts Cultural Council

for its generous support.