Bare Necessities

New Shoots (Vol. 10)


New American Dances
The English Country Dance Collection
Country Dance Society, Boston Centre Inc.


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New American dances, with Bare Necessities: Peter Barnes, Earl Gladdis, Mary Lea, Jacqueline Schwab. Country Dance Society, Boston Centre Inc. (2006)


  1. Impropriety
  2. Six for the Six Proud Walkers
  3. Familiar Quotations
  4. Trip to Town-O
  5. Lady William’s Delight
  6. Companions
  7. Beach Spring
  8. Key to the Cellar
  9. Devil’s Maggot
  10. Dunsmuir Waltz
  11. Puck’s Deceit
  12. Safe Haven
  13. Laura’s Waltz